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Tank Certification – Permit-By-Rule (PBR) Compliance Program

Tank Certification – Permit-By-Rule (PBR) Compliance Program

The Wright-Polanco-Lempert Hazardous Waste Treatment Permit Reform Act of 1992 (Assembly Bill 1772), which went into effect on January 1, 1993, made important changes to state law governing the treatment and storage of hazardous wastes.  Assembly Bill 1772 (AB1722) established a five-tiered program for authorizing treatment and/or storage at many businesses that require State authorization to treat or store hazardous waste, but do not require a hazardous waste facility permit under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).  The five tiers, in descending order of regulatory burden, are:

1. The RCRA equivalent “Full Permit” tier required for all RCRA regulated facilities, and for state-regulated incinerators and land disposal facilities;

2. The “Standardized Permit” tier for non-RCRA regulated, offsite treatment or storage facilities (i.e., facilities that treat or store hazardous wastes generated at other facilities);

3. The “Permit by Rule” (PBR) tier for non-RCRA regulated, onsite treatment facilities subject to the requirements set forth in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Division 4.5, Chapter 45 (22 CCR §67450);

4. The “Conditional Authorization” tier for onsite treatment facilities subject to PBR requirements and the requirements set forth in the Health and Safety Code (HSC) §25200.3; and

5. SB-14 plans program was developed to have generators of hazardous waste review the source of their waste stream and examine the possibility of modifying their manufacturing processing to reduce waste. It is part of the Hazardous Waste Source Reduction and Management Review Act of 1989. Under this regulation, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) would select a few categories of generators by their (SIC) codes every two years and collect information on the source reduction progress and accomplishments of facilities. Successful source reduction techniques are shared with other generators in the same industry.

SB 14 requires Companies that are generating more than 13.2 tons of hazardous waste or 26 Lb of extremely hazardous waste per year to identify their major hazardous waste streams and evaluate source reduction measures for each major stream.

The “Conditional Exemption” tier for onsite treatment facilities subject to PBR requirements and the requirements set forth in HSC §25201.5(a) or §25201.5(c).  The Title 22, Division 4.5, The Environmental Health Standards for Management of Hazardous Waste, Chapter 15, the interim status for owner and operators of Hazardous waste transfer, treatment, storage and disposal facilities, Article 10, the tank system, Section 66265.192, requirement states that:(a) Owners or operators of new tank systems or components shall ensure that the foundation, structural support, seams, connections, and pressure controls (if applicable) are adequately designed and that the tank system has sufficient structural strength, compatibility with the waste(s) to be transferred, stored or treated, and corrosion protection so that it will not collapse, rupture, or fail. The owner or operator shall obtain a written assessment reviewed and certified by an independent, qualified, professional engineer, registered in California in accordance with section 66270.11(d) attesting that the system has sufficient structural integrity, is acceptable for the transferring, storing and treating of hazardous waste, and that the tanks and containment system are suitably designed to achieve the requirements of this article. This assessment shall be obtained prior to placing the tank system in service and shall be kept on file at the facility.


Need Tank Certification
Contact us at
(408) 250-2558

Waste Water Neutralization Calculations_U S

1. Caustic Addition – (pH is too low and must be raised)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Moles/L of OH needed =


Incoming pH, pHin =

NaOH rate needed =


Desired pH, pHout =

Caustic solution rate =


Caustic sol’n % NaOH =

Caustic solution rate =


Caustic sol’n density, ρ =


Daily cost of caustic =


Caustic solution cost =


Wastewater Neutralization Calculations – U.S. units
1. Caustic Addition – (pH is too low and must be raised)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Incoming pH, pHin =

Desired pH, pHout =

Caustic sol’n % NaOH =

Caustic sol’n density, ρ =


Caustic solution cost =



Moles/L of OH needed =


NaOH rate needed =


Caustic solution rate =


Caustic solution rate =


Daily cost of caustic =


Wastewater Neutralization Calculations – U.S. units
2. Acid Addition – (pH is too high and must be lowered)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Moles/L of H+ needed =


Incoming pH, pHin =

H2SO4 rate needed =


Desired pH, pHout =

Acid solution rate =


Acid sol’n % H2SO4 =

Acid solution rate =


Acid sol’n density, ρ =


Daily cost of acid =


Acid solution cost =


Wastewater Neutralization Calculations – U.S. units
2. Acid Addition – (pH is too high and must be lowered)
Instructions: Enter values in blue boxes. Spreadsheet calculates values in yellow boxes


WW Flow Rate, Qww =


Incoming pH, pHin =

Desired pH, pHout =

Acid sol’n % H2SO4 =

Acid sol’n density, ρ =


Acid solution cost =



Moles/L of H+ needed =


H2SO4 rate needed =


Acid solution rate =


Acid solution rate =


Daily cost of acid =
